What are fleas?

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects with flat, hard bodies. They are reddish-brown and have six legs; their hind legs are larger and stronger than the others, and allow them to jump onto their hosts. Fleas feed on the blood of their animal hosts.

Dog and cat fleas are two of the most common species living throughout the United States. Both species feed on a variety of warm-blooded mammals, such as mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits, opossums, raccoons, and deer – as well as dogs and cats. While fleas prefer to feed on the blood of animals with fur, if animals are not available, or in the case of a large infestation, they will also feed on people.

Are fleas dangerous?

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Fleas are not dangerous pests, but you need to control them when they get onto your property. They should not be allowed to develop large populations in our yards and homes. Listed below are problems that fleas create for homeowners whether pets are present or not:

  • Fleas bites leave behind itchy rashes on both people and animals.
  • Excessive itching of flea bites may lead to a secondary infection.
  • Cats or dogs with severe allergies to fleas may develop flea allergy dermatitis.
  • Fleas are intermediate hosts for parasitic tapeworms.
  • Flea infestations inside of our homes are hard to eliminate. They cause people to become frustrated and feel uncomfortable.

Why do I have a flea problem?

Though sometimes it may seem like it, fleas don’t just magically appear in your yard or your home. They are introduced onto your property by wild animals that are either living in your yard or passing through. Fleas then come into contact with you or your pets and are then introduced into your home. Fleas also find their way into homes on the backs of mice and other rodents that have decided to use your house as a nesting site.

Another common way fleas to find their way into the homes of non-pet owners are in used rugs or furniture. Fleas can also get into your house on the backs of pets after they come into contact with them at a campground, a park, in a neighbors yard, at their vet’s office, or at a grooming facility.

Where will I find fleas?

Fleas typically live outside either on the back a furry host feeding or hiding in dark, moist areas or sandy soil. Unfortunately, fleas don’t only live outdoors but are common pests inside our homes. Fleas that get into our homes, either by us, our pets, or by invading wild animals, live in a variety of places, including behind wall voids, in upholstered furniture, in bedding, in rugs, and behind baseboards.

How do I get rid of fleas?

The task of eliminating fleas from your Oklahoma property should be left to a professional. At Thunder Pest Control, we have 50 years of combined pest control experience. We know pests and how to eliminate them from properties once and for all!

We guarantee our results and take pride in treating our customers like family. We are a local company dedicated to using only the most efficient, cutting-edge services possible. If you are looking for exceptional pest solutions for your Oklahoma City area home or business, contact the pest professionals at Thunder Pest Control today!

How can I prevent fleas in the future?

In addition to our professional pest control services, take the time necessary to implement these easy-to-execute prevention tips:

  • Avoid attracting rodents and other flea-infested animals to your property by taking away food sources like bird feeders and pet food. Keep tight-fitting lids on trash cans. Harvest fruits and vegetables from gardens.
  • If you own pets, make sure that you partner with their veterinarian to place them on a year-round flea preventative.
  • Remove areas from your property that fleas can hide in like tall grass, dense vegetation, and leaf piles.
  • Avoid problems with fleas in your home by regularly vacuuming floors and upholstered furniture.
  • Wash your pet’s bedding on a routine basis.
  • While not always possible, it is best to keep pets off of furniture and beds.